DECEMBER 27, 2020
DECEMBER 20, 2020
DECEMBER 13, 2020
DECEMBER 6, 2020
NOVEMBER 29, 2020
NOVEMBER 22, 2020
NOVEMBER 15, 2020
NOVEMBER 8, 2020
NOVEMBER 1, 2020
OCTOBER 25, 2020
OCTOBER 18, 2020
OCTOBER 11, 2020
OCTOBER 4, 2020
SEPTEMBER 27, 2020
SEPTEMBER 20, 2020
SEPTEMBER 13, 2020
AUGUST 30, 2020
AUGUST 23, 2020
AUGUST 16, 2020
AUGUST 2, 2020
JULY 26 2020
It is one thing to know theoretically that God is with you, but to experience His presence, you have to increase your consciousness of His presence by practicing His presence! This is not something difficult. In fact, it should be rather effortless. Because as you think of Jesus more and more, you will begin to experience peace you never had, a strength like never before and Joy that you cannot describe with word. When w practice the fruit of Jesus' presence that is in us; stress, depression, and anger fade away and no longer dominate our thoughts. May you find peace, comfort and great encouragement as you watch this. Pastor Jim shares the Word of God with the topic of
from Psalms 97:1-5.
JULY 19, 2020
Too many people go around worried and upset. They’re always trying to figure everything out. But when we truly trust God and believe that He’s in control, we can rest. There’s peace in our hearts and minds. Deep down on the inside, we know that everything is going to be safe under the shadow of His wings. Many times, the reason we lose our peace and begin to worry is because we don’t see anything happening in our prayers. Everything looks the same month after month, and year after year. and we don’t even recognize that God is working behind the scenes in our lives. This Sunday's topic is entitled
from the book of Psalm 91:1-12.
JULY 12, 2020
What voices are you listening to? Why do people get their lives in a mess? So often the answer is that they are listening to the wrong voices. All too often, good potentially strong, church members have ended up listening to the wrong voices. The Bible says, “they that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy!” they who listen and obey the wrong gods, idol gods, forsake the grace of God they will need in the hour of need. Please join us for this Sunday Service with a topic of
"LISTENING TO THE WRONG VOICES" with the main text from the book of Jonah 2:6-8. Be blessed!
JULY 5, 2020
God speaks to his people. Throughout the scriptures when God spoke, it was to reveal something about Himself, His purposes or His ways, God’s revelations are designed to bring you into a love relationship with Him. The bible says, our ways are not God’s ways, God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts. May you find encouragement as you watch this Sunday service with the word of God's topic for today as "GOD REVEALS HIMSELF, HIS PURPOSE AND HIS WAYS"
with texts from the books of Isaiah 55:8-9 and Micah 4:2.
JUNE 28, 2020
Just like the babies when they were born they must have milk to live. They can’t get food on their own; they have to get it from their parents. As they get older we see the process of learning to feed themselves without throwing out the food or smearing all over the place. Many Christians are like these children who have not learned on how to feed themselves. When they get food from the pastor's sermon, they listen to part of it and throw the other part on the floor. Let this message be a reminder to all of us as you watch and hear the Word of God from pastor Jim Cayetano. God bless!
JUNE 21, 2020
The story says, Moses was one of failure and weakness on one hand, but victory and strength on the other hands. The bible says Moses experienced failure and weakness when he relies on himself, but when Moses learned to exercise his faith and relies on God alone, the bible says, he experienced victory and strength with God. May you find encouragement as you listen to the Word Of God delivered by Pastor Jim Cayetano on this Father's day. Be blessed!
JUNE 14, 2020
We are grateful that we have officially reopened our church building for a Sunday service yesterday. God is faithful and despite of all the technical glitches we’ve ran into during the live streaming we continue to strive to deliver this to everyone to bring glory to our God alone and to preach His gospel season our season no matter what the circumstances may come our way.
If you want to replay and/or watch it all together in one video you can click on the link below. We also encourage you to please hit share, like and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more. Be blessed!
JUNE 7, 2020
The idea of talking to God can be intimidating especially when you’re in the middle of your own battlefield. But it doesn’t have to be. In fact, prayer can be a wonderful experience if we know how to do it in God’s way. It doesn’t matter which language you pray or how contemporary your style of prayer is. God only desires that you pray from a pure and sincere heart. We hope and pray that you find encouragement through this message. God bless!
MAY 31, 2020
We invite you to join us this Sunday morning for a moment of worship and hear the word of God that pastor Jim will be sharing from the book of Isaiah 61:7-9. We hope you find encouragement and be blessed by tuning in with us.
MAY 24, 2020
When God speaks to us, we must recognize that His message is of utmost importance, deserving our full and complete concentration. God has His ways of gaining our individual attention. You may find that the problem you thought you had was simply God’s way of trying to get you to focus on Him. Pastor Jim shares the Word of God with the topic of “How God Gets Our Attention” from Psalms 81:8-14.
MAY 17, 2020
As Christians and believers of Christ, how do we live a complete life? Please join us for a worship and another opportunity to hear the word of God that pastor will be delivering from the book of
Romans 5:1-5 and John 15:4-5.
MAY 10, 2020
Please tune in with us once again as pastor Jim shares the Word of God with the topic of "Life's Most Important Question" from the book of Mark 8:27-30. We hope you find encouragement as you watch and listen to this message. Be blessed!
MAY 3, 2020
The word of God tells us to set our minds on things above and not on earthly things. Please join us once again as pastor Jim shares the word of God from the book of Colossians 3:1-4. May you find encouragement and enlightenment as you watch this.
APRIL 26, 2020
As believers of Jesus, how do we respond in this unprecedented time we are all living in? Pastor Jim Cayetano shares the word of God with the topic of "Keep It Going" from Jeremiah 29:11-14. May you be blessed as this reminds you of His faithfulness and promises to us.
APRIL 19, 2020
In the middle of the isolation, confusion, uncertainties and fear that has been going on around us in this time of crisis, who do we go to and what do we do amidst of it all as believers of Christ? Please join us today as pastor Jim shares the word of God with the topic of "What Can We Do When Trouble Comes" from Psalm 121:1-8.
APRIL 10, 2020
As we reflect on the crucifxion of Jesus this Holy Week, let is hear the Word of God that Pastor Jim will be sharing with us contemplating on “The Seven Last Words of Jesus At The Cross" and looking back at those moments of pain and agony he had suffered for our sake. Because of His great love for us and His amazing grace, He became the sin who knew no sin. The death did not ovetake him but He offered His life to redeem us, have the complete freedom and become the righteousness of God. We hope and pray that you'd be blessed and find encouragement as you watch and hear this message.
APRIL 5, 2020
In moments like these when we’re all in solitude, let us remind ourselves not to isolate from the ONE who is the author and the perfecter of our faith. Instead of getting distracted by the current occurrence around us, let us all FOCUS our eyes on JESUS and unite in prayer without ceasing. Pastor Jim delivers the Word of God with the topic of “Letting God Have Control” that is so timely in midst of all the occurrence around the world with the main text from the book of Proverbs 19:21-22.
MARCH 29, 2020
In light of the global pandemic happening around us, let us not lose our faith. Let's align ourselves to His WORD and fix our eyes to the ONE who is in control. May you be find encouragement and hope as pastor Jim Cayetano shares the Word of God with the topic of “In The Midst Of Crisis” from 2 Chronicles 7:14.
MARCH 15, 2020
Most of the Christians nowadays have the mentality that when I die I will experience heaven. Do you really have to die first to experience heaven when Jesus have died for you to live inside of you and experience heaven? When the fall of humanity came upon this earth there’s this separation between God and His children through Adam and Eve. God is merciful and remained faithful to His children despite of being full of themselves and being disobedient. On this Young Adult Service, Sis. Grace shared the word of God with the topic of “Let Your Light Shine in Three J’s” from the book of Genesis 1:1-3. May you find strength and encouragement through this message especially in this very moment where we see and feel and crisis around the world.
MARCH 8, 2020
We will all go through trying situations in life, some more difficult than others. Many times, we think the phrase “I’m going through something” is bad news, but if we view it properly, we realize going through is good; it means we are not stuck! We may be facing difficulties, but we can thankful that at least we are moving forward. We will face a variety of things, but those things we go through are the very circumstances, challenges, and situations that make us people who know how to overcome adversity. We do not grow or become strong during life’s good times; we grow when we press through difficulties without giving up. when we do what we know is right even when it is difficult, uncomfortable, or inconvenient, we grow spiritually and we are strengthened. May you find a great encouragement and revival knowing that God is fighting your battle as pastor Jim shares the Word of God with the topic of "Going Through Something Is Better Than Getting Stuck" from the book of Isaiah 43:1-3. God bless!
MARCH 1, 2020
We all know how much of a struggle each of us are facing everyday in this world with all the crisis but we have the power to overcome. We are reminded once again by the Word of God as pastor Jim Cayetano shares the topic of Determined to Overcome from the book of Mark 4:38-41. To be more than conqueror means that before you ever face adversity, before the battle against you even begin you already know you will win as long as you trust God and don’t give up. That’s the promise to be grateful for. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Don’t get stuck in the past. Live in the freedom of forgiveness. We need to continue on holding on to the promises of God as we press on in serving Him and fulfilling His will for us without wasting time.
FEBRUARY 23, 2020
It's about time for all of us Christians to get serious and position ourselves into growing deeply when it comes to our faith. Are you going to keep on procrastinating instead of pressing on for Jesus? Sis. Aira shared the word of God from the book of 2 Peter 3:10-16 with the topic of Getting Serious About Our Christian Faith. How we live our faith tells so much about who we are in Christ. May you find this as a wake-up call with your faith as you listen to this message. Be blessed!
FEBRUARY 16, 2020
How far would you go to follow Christ? Would you be willing to drop everything and follow God's calling for you in your life? On this Young Adult service, Bro. Josh shared the word of God fro the book of Matthew 9:9 focusing on the life and calling of Matthew despite his past. God has a tendency of picking up a nobody, transform them into somebody without asking anybody in front of everybody. May you be encouraged and blessed on this message.
FEBRUARY 9, 2020
The word love is used so often that it is easy to lose sight of what it actually means. First of all, love is something we do rather than something we feel. The most famous Bible passage on love, 1 Corinthians 13, does not refer to feelings or emotions. Instead, it talks about attitudes, such as patience, and actions, when you in love, you are motivated to act in a certain way, if you love your wife, you have a caring attitude toward her. Because you care for her, you desire to do everything possible to promote her well-being. In other word we must be known by showing your love first to God, to our families, and to the people around us. When we walk in this level of love that Paul mention in first Corinthians 13, we forget all about our own rights, our own interests, our own hurts. If you have this kind of love, we are willing, as Jesus was, to sacrifice anything and everything for the seek of the beloved. We have three important question in this topic regarding the identity of being in love. Pastor Jim highlighted three important questions in this topic regarding the identity of being in love. May you find encouragement as you listen to this message and be blessed!
FEBRUARY 2, 2020
The Bible records many details concerning the remarkable man of God which is Moses. The information is given about his birth, his long life, and his death. Perhaps his entire life and relationship to the Lord is best summed up in the words “Moses the man of God.” a description of Moses that also reveals his relationship with the Lord. Moses was one of failure and weakness on one hand, but of victory and strength on the other hand. He experienced failure and weakness when he relied on himself, but he experienced victory and strength when he relied on God. Moses walk of faith was not learned in a day but over a long time. during a period of 40 Years in the desert, after his first great failure in Egypt, he learned to believe and trust God. The bible says Moses became the most commanding figure of the ancient world in character, in faith, and in the unique position which was assigned to him. He became the mediator of the old covenant.
JANUARY 26, 2020
We had the pleasure of hearing from one of our young people, Bro. Nicko Dalluyon to share the Word of God during our Youth & Young Adult Service with the topic of "Four Beliefs About Good And Evil" from the book of 2 Corinthians 4:4. We hope that you find enlightenment and encouragement on how we should be living our lives as Ambassadors of Christ in this world.
JANUARY 19, 2020
God’s revelations are designed to bring you into a love relationship with Him. Remember when God speaks to us, He reveals Himself so we can have faith to trust Him in the assignment He calls us to. He reveals His purposes so we will be involved in His work and not just things we dreamed up to do for God. God reveals His ways so that He can accomplish His work through us in a way that He gets all the glory and honor to His name.
JANUARY 5, 2020
One thing the world needs to see is good examples. They need to see believers walk in love purity and faith in their homes, work place or school, when the apostle Paul says, "do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody." Your example will go a lot further than your words. Pastor Jim shared four things in life that every Christian should know and avoid it as much as possible.
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